PCOS: Complications, Diagnosis And Treatment

A hormonal condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) affects women during their reproductive years. One might not have regular periods if one has PCOS or experiences lengthy menstrual cycles. One may potentially have an excessive amount of a hormone called androgen in the body. Along the ovary's exterior surface, several tiny sacs of the fluid form called cysts. In the tiny cysts filled with fluid, developing eggs are present. They are known as follicles. The follicles cease to release eggs on a regular basis. There is no known cause for PCOS. Losing weight and receiving early diagnosis and treatment may help reduce the chances of developing long-term consequences like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In this blog, PCOS Doctor in Hyderabad at Magna Centers For Obesity Diabetes and Endocrinology describes the crucial factors related to PCOS and its complications along with diagnosis and treatments. Complications- If left untreated it can cau...