Hormonal Therapy: A New Advancement for the Treatment of Acne

Acne, a common skin condition, often arises from the overactivation of sebaceous glands in the skin. These glands, equipped with ducts, are responsible for producing sebum, the skin's natural oil. Sebum serves the essential function of keeping the skin smooth and lubricated. However, in individuals prone to acne, these sebaceous glands go into overdrive, producing excessive sebum. Complicating matters further, the exit pathways of these glands can become obstructed due to various factors, leading to the entrapment of sebum. When this trapped sebum becomes infected, it triggers inflammation, giving rise to the familiar red, painful pimples associated with acne. However, one can take a sigh of relief that there are advanced treatments available for treating acne. One such treatment that is proving to be highly effective is hormonal therapy. Thus, to help readers understand the effectiveness of hormonal therapy for acne treatment, this blog has been drafted. To make it more know...