Managing Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Changes & Treatment

 Diabetes is one of the most diseases developing in people of all age groups. According to a report by NCBI, 77 million people reported diabetes in 2019, and that may reach 134 million by 2045. More than half of these cases remain undiagnosed. Many factors may contribute to the prevalence of diabetes, with obesity and lack of physical activity topping the list. The most effective diabetes treatment is a combination of diet, exercise and medication.

Experts at Magna Centre, the best diabetes centre in Hyderabad, explain what a diabetic person should and should not include in their diet and what kind of workout they must indulge in. 

Keep reading to understand the science behind diabetes and its management.  


What is Diabetes? 

Diabetes is a condition that develops when the amount of sugar in the blood goes above a certain level. 

The food one eats is broken down by the body so that it can be turned into energy. To finish the process, the pancreas makes a hormone called insulin. Insulin helps glucose in food get to the cells, where it is used as a source of energy. 

But in some conditions, the glucose stays in the blood, increasing blood sugar levels. This happens because of either of two reasons: 

  • The pancreas is not making enough insulin. (Type 1 diabetes)

  • The pancreas is making enough insulin, but the body is unable to use it. (Type 2 diabetes)

The second case, i.e. type 2 diabetes, is the most common form of diabetes. Though it may affect a person at any age, it is more common in people above 45 years or above. 

Risk Factors and Causes of Diabetes 

One may develop diabetes because of these causes: 

  • Obesity 

  • Lack of physical activity 

  • Genetics 

  • Insulin resistance 

Several other factors may also contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes, which are: 

  • Age above 45 years 

  • High bad cholesterol levels 

  • Hormone imbalance during PCOD or pregnancy 

  • Uneven fat distribution 

  • Prediabetes 

  • Gestational diabetes may cause diabetes in women even after childbirth 

  • Smoking 

How To Manage Type 2 Diabetes?

Experts at Magna Centre explain that with a good and effective combination of diet, exercise and medication, one can keep their blood sugar level under control. Important aspects of managing type 2 diabetes include controlling blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. 

Alterations to lifestyle, such as eating healthy meals, sufficient and limited calorie intake, and indulging in physical activity at least 5 days a week, are important to manage type 2 diabetes. 

Along with this, it is important never to miss the medications and consult the doctor regularly to keep a check on blood glucose levels.  

Diet for Type 2 Diabetes 

Magna Centre has a team of the best nutritionists and diabetes experts in Hyderabad that help people understand exactly what they need to eat and skip to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. The goal is to consume the optimum amount of calories so that the body gets enough energy without rising glucose levels. 

As a first step, the dietician will follow up with the patient for a few days and determine how many calories they eat daily. After that, they'll change their original diet plan to ensure the patient is eating less than usual and monitor their weight at all times. 

The calorie composition is also monitored to ensure that the amount of carbohydrates does not make up more than 50% of the total calories.

Exercise for Type 2 Diabetes

Physical activity is considered of utmost importance for managing type 2 diabetes. People with high blood sugar levels are advised to moderate to high-intensity physical activity that should be done for 150 minutes per week. 

A 30 minute brisk walk is considered an effective physical activity to achieve normal blood sugar levels. 

Strength training is advised for diabetic people with low-mass muscle and excess body fat. This 30 minutes of exercise for at least 3 days a week can help improve muscle tone and strength. 

Medication for Type 2 Diabetes

Along with diet and physical exercise, some oral medications for type 2 diabetes can also help control blood sugar levels. These are: 

  • Bigu-anide 

  • DPP 4 inhibitors

  • Pioglit-azone

  • SGLT 2 Inhibitor

  • Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

  • Sulphonylureas

Experts at Magna Centre, the best diabetes centre in Hyderabad, work multidimensionally to help patients control blood sugar levels. These parameters include blood pressure, lipid profile, antiplatelet therapy, renal function, retinopathy, rate of the amount of albumin in the urine and cardiac health. By keeping all these aspects in knowledge and addressing them, Magna Centre provides type 2 diabetes treatment in Hyderabad

For appointments, visit the clinic today!


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