15 Reasons For Male Infertility and Its Treatment

 Infertility is the condition that occurs when a female is unable to conceive owing to an issue with either partner's reproductive system. The male partner in a relationship can also cause infertility. It is believed that men are the sole cause or a contributing cause of infertility issues in couples in nearly 40 percent of all cases. 

But what is infertility in men, and what causes it? In this blog, experts of Magna Centre, the providers of the best male infertility treatment in Hyderabad, talk about the various causes that may contribute to the condition. The blog also covers the treatment options for the same. 

Keep reading! 

Causes of Male Infertility

Several factors are involved in the production of mature, healthy sperm capable of migration. In some cases, problems prevent cells from maturing into sperm. Sperm might get stuck on the way to the egg. Scrotal heat could be a factor in sperm quality. These factors account for the vast majority of male infertility cases: 

  1. Varicocele: This is a disorder in which the veins on the testicles swell and become bigger than usual. It can affect both the quantity and quality of sperm. It's the most prevalently treatable reason for male infertility. Varicoceles have been linked to infertility; however, the exact mechanism is unclear.

  2. Infection: Many infectious diseases might hinder sperm production or quality or even induce scarring that prevents sperm from passing through. They include STDs like gonorrhoea and HIV, as well as conditions like inflamed testicles (epididymitis) and epididymis (epididymis-orchitis). Unfortunately, sperm can sometimes be irretrievably lost due to testicular injury caused by infection.

  3. Ejaculatory Difficulties: When sperm travels backwards into the bladder during an orgasmic act, this is called retrograde ejaculation. Diabetes, spinal cord injuries, certain drugs, and urethra, prostate, or bladder surgery are some of the medical problems that can lead to retrograde ejaculation.

  4. Sperm-Targeting Antibodies: Anti-sperm antibodies are cells of the immune system that wrongly view sperm as dangerous invaders and attempt to eradicate them.

  5. Tumors: Male reproductive organs may be impacted by cancers and noncancerous tumors directly or indirectly through the glands that release reproductive hormones like the pituitary gland. The use of radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery to remove malignancies can sometimes have a negative impact on a man's ability to father children.

  1. Unbalanced Hormones: Disorders affecting the testicles or the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, or adrenal glands can lead to infertility. There are a variety of potential explanations for low testosterone (male hypogonadism) and other hormonal issues.

  1. Sperm-Transporting Tubule Flaws: Sperm can travel through a variety of channels. Accidental injury during surgery, pre existing infections, trauma, and aberrant growth, such as that seen in cystic fibrosis and related genetic disorders, are all potential reasons for their obstruction.

  1. Chromosomal Flaws: Klinefelter's syndrome is an inherited condition characterized by improper development of the male reproductive organs; it occurs when a boy is born with two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (instead of one X and one Y). Cystic fibrosis and Kallmann's syndrome are two further examples of hereditary conditions that can lead to infertility.

  1. Sexual Intercourse Issues: Erectile dysfunction (the inability to get or keep an erection strong enough for sexual activity), premature ejaculation, painful sexual encounters, anatomical abnormalities like hypospadias (a urethral opening below the penis), and emotional or relational issues can all have a negative impact on sex life.

  1. Celiac Disease: Celiac disease is a digestive disorder that happens when a person is sensitive to gluten, a protein that is present in wheat. In some cases, being gluten-free can boost fertility. The syndrome may lead to male infertility.

  1. Certain Medicines: Certain medications, including testosterone replacement treatment, long-term use of anabolic steroids, chemotherapy for cancer, certain pharmaceuticals for ulcers and arthritis, and others, can have a negative impact on sperm production and male fertility.

  1. A History of Surgery:  Vasectomies, surgeries on the scrotum or testicles, the prostate, and major abdominal operations for testicular and rectal malignancies are only some of the procedures that can eliminate sperm from the ejaculate.

  1. Use of Illegal Drugs: It has been shown that anabolic steroids, commonly used to increase muscle mass and strength, can lead to reduced sperm production and the atrophy of the testicles. Cocaine and marijuana use has been linked to short-term decreases in sperm count and quality.

  1. Smoking and Alcohol: Along with smoking, alcohol consumption has been linked to decreased testosterone levels, erectile dysfunction, and sperm production. A man's sperm count may be reduced if he smokes cigarettes. Male fertility may also be impacted by secondhand smoke. Infertility is just one of the many possible outcomes of alcohol-induced liver damage.

  1. Obesity: Both the quality and quantity of sperm may be affected by obesity, and male fertility may be reduced as a result of changes in sperm-reducing hormones.

Male Infertility Treatment at Magna

The centre provides endocrine treatment for infertility, which is effective for such male infertility cases. Men with hypogonadotropic or pituitary disorders can benefit significantly from gonadotropin therapy with HCG, and hyperprolactinemia can be effectively managed with cabergoline.

Infertility due to hypothyroidism is quite prevalent yet curable. Individuals who commit to a lengthy treatment plan typically achieve positive outcomes. Increasing sperm counts in men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism requires medication to be administered over the course of six months to a year. 

The spermatogenesis cycle is close to 90 days, and if there is no spermatogenesis, it takes 3–4 such cycles to create a good volume of sperm, hence the lengthy course of treatment. 

At Magna Centre, one can consult the best male infertility doctor in Hyderabad for the most effective treatment.


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