What Is Hyperthyroidism - Causes and Treatment

 Overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, occurs when the thyroid produces excessive thyroid hormone. The thyroid, located near the front of the neck, is a tiny, butterfly-shaped gland. Since thyroid hormones regulate energy expenditure, they have repercussions on practically every bodily function, including the rate at which the heart beats. Excessive levels of thyroid hormone cause several physiological mechanisms to intensify. Hyperthyroidism can have severe complications if left untreated. 

This article will overview hyperthyroidism, including its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and complications. It also discusses the treatment discussed with experts at Magna Centre, which provides the most effective hyperthyroidism treatment in Hyderabad.

Causes & Risk Factors of Hyperthyroidism

The following illnesses and circumstances can result in hyperthyroidism:

Graves disease: Graves' disease is an autoimmune condition, the most prevalent reason people have hyperthyroidism. With this condition, the immune system attacks the thyroid, which leads to the gland producing an abnormally high amount of thyroid hormone.

Thyroiditis: Inflammation of the thyroid gland is referred to as thyroiditis. There are several subtypes of thyroiditis, each of which can cause the thyroid hormone to escape from the thyroid gland and into the bloodstream. As a direct consequence of this, one can run the risk of developing signs of hyperthyroidism.

Iodine overdose: Iodine is required to produce thyroid hormone by the thyroid. The amount of thyroid hormone the thyroid produces is influenced by the amount of iodine one takes. Consuming vast quantities of iodine may, in specific individuals, cause the thyroid to produce an excessive amount of thyroid hormone. There is a possibility that certain cough syrups and medicines, especially certain medications for the heart, contain a significant amount of iodine. Iodine can also be found in high concentrations of seaweed and supplements made from seaweed.

Thyroid medication overdose: Some patients may take too much of the medication when treating hypothyroidism with thyroid hormone medication. If one takes medication for hyperthyroidism and sees a rise in thyroid hormone levels, it is suggested to check the condition with a doctor. Other medications may also interact with thyroid hormone medication and cause an increase in hormone levels.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

The signs of hyperthyroidism can be different for each person. These may include:

  • Low weight despite a nutritious diet

  • Irregular heartbeat 

  • Nervousness and anxiety

  • Anger and irritability 

  • Trouble falling asleep 

  • Fatigue or hyperactivity

  • Weak muscles and shaky hands.

  • Constipation/diarrhoea, frequent urination and bowel movements

  • Goitre

  • Menstrual problems in women 

  • Male pattern/patchy hair loss

In older people, hyperthyroidism is sometimes mistaken for depression or dementia. When they have hyperthyroidism, older adults may have different symptoms than younger adults, like losing their appetite or not wanting to be around other people. It is suggested to consult a specialist if these signs are visible in any of the elderly family members. 

Hyperthyroidism and Pregnancy

In most cases, mild hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is not an issue. However, severe hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can have negative consequences for both the mother and the child if left untreated. During pregnancy, there is a substantial rise in thyroid hormone. A severe untreated hyperthyroidism during pregnancy may cause:

  • Gestational Hypertension

  • Low weight at birth

  • Cardiac issues during pregnancy

  • Miscarriage

Diagnosis of Hyperthyroidism 

Here is how hyperthyroidism is diagnosed by the best endocrinologist in Hyderabad

at Magna Centre. 

Thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels can be used to identify hyperthyroidism (TSH). TSH levels are typically low, and thyroid hormone levels are high.

A blood test called TSH Receptor Antibody or a thyroid scan called a Technetium thyroid scan may be needed to identify the cause of hyperthyroidism.

The doctor will ask about one’s health history and then examine them. Hyperthyroidism can't be diagnosed just by looking at its symptoms because many of them are the same as that of other diseases. So, the doctor may do several blood tests and imaging tests to confirm the diagnosis and determine what is causing it.

Since hyperthyroidism can make it hard to get pregnant, women having trouble getting pregnant often get their thyroid checked.

Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

The doctor will treat hyperthyroidism to restore the thyroid hormone levels to normal. Treatment can help avoid long-term complications. The expert at Magna Centre will keep the following factors in mind before suggesting a treatment to their patients:

  • Cause and severity of hyperthyroidism

  • Age of the patient

  • Potential medication allergies or side effects 

  • Other health conditions, like pregnancy or heart disease 

The treatment includes the following options:

  • Medications: This may include anti-thyroid medications, beta blockers and radioactive iodine. These medicines help control the thyroid gland's action and manage the condition. 

  • Surgery: In severe conditions, the doctor may suggest removing the thyroid gland. This will resolve the issue of excess thyroid but may cause hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormones). 

For more information on the best hyperthyroidism treatment in Hyderabad, visit Magna Centre.


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