Signs and Treatment for Male Infertility

 Being a father has never been seen as a difficult task. But it is awkward to accept the fact that men and women are affected by infertility. Male infertility is rising, which is more common in cities with high-stress levels. Male infertility occurs when the male reproductive system develops issues that make it difficult for couples to conceive. A male partner is responsible for one in every five infertile couples. Most couples who have fertility issues can find an explanation. Infertility can be caused by a low sperm count, poor fertility, reduced sperm motility, or hormonal abnormalities. Once the cause of infertility has been diagnosed, an appropriate treatment can be determined.

To provide readers with a better understanding of the signs and treatments of male infertility, a renowned Male infertility Specialist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre has explained the same in this blog. Continue reading to learn more.

What are the Signs of Male Infertility?

1. Having a Lack of Sexual Desire

Men often produce more testosterone, the hormone responsible for their libido or sexual urge. If there is a drop in testosterone owing to hormonal disorders, their sexual desire or drive reduces.

2. Having Small and Firm Testicles

If a person's testicles are too small to produce testosterone, their fertility gets affected. This is the most common symptom of male infertility. Usually, a man born with one or more extra X chromosomes, known as Klinefelter's syndrome, experiences such problems. These men have little facial hair, thin body, and extra fat around their chests.

3. Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to maintain an erection during an intimate relationship. This is also a common symptom of male infertility. A variety of neurological and psychological factors could cause it.

4. Having Pain or Swelling in the Testicles

A difficulty or swelling in the testicles is abnormal and should be treated as soon as possible. There are several causes of this medical condition, including testicular tension (twisted testicles), epididymitis (testicle infection), hydrocele (fluid buildup around testicles), and hernia.

5. Kallman's Syndrome

It is a genetic disorder that occurs due to delayed or absent puberty. When gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons do not travel from the olfactory area to the hypothalamus during fetal development, hypogonadism or testicular dysfunction occurs.

Is Male Infertility Permanent? 

Azoospermia, along with normal testosterone, indicates that there could be a severe problem that is difficult to treat. Some forms of male infertility are not permanent and can be easily treated. For such cases, ST cooler sperm extraction (TESE) is an option. With this procedure, the sperms are extracted from the testis and are further used for ICSE (intra cytoplasmic sperm injection). At Magna Centre, the experts are known for offering the best Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment in Hyderabad. They treat patients with fertility problems along with an ologist who takes care of the structural issues in the tissues, and the endocrinologist looks at hypogonadism, hypothyroidism and hyperprolactinemia.

What are the Causes of Male Infertility?

Most commonly, problems with male reproduction involve the development of abnormal sperm. The factors that may lead to unhealthy sperm include:

  • Genetic defects

  • Health problems such as diabetes

  • Infections like mumps or HIV

  • Smoking

  • Consuming alcohol

  • Exposure to excessive heat

How is Male Infertility Treated? 

At Magna Centre, the experts perform endocrine treatment to treat infertility. Gonadotropin therapy with HCG helps to restore fertility in men, and other conditions like hyperprolactinemia are easily treated using cabergoline. Hypothyroidism is a cause of infertility. It requires 3-4 cycles for a good amount of sperm to be produced. In men with this condition, the treatment is done for six months to a year before the sperm count can improve. Those who stick to the course of treatment get effective outcomes.

If one wants to learn more about Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment in Hyderabad, one can book an appointment with the experts at Magna Centre today. The experts will help one find the best solution. They will conduct an initial assessment to investigate what is causing the fertility problem and recommend the best treatment course.


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