Symptoms and Treatments for Thyroid Cancer

 Thyroid cancer is the most common cancer in females under the age of 30 and the second most common cancer in women between the ages of 30 and 45. When thyroid cells grow irregularly, thyroid cancer develops. Its symptoms can be subtle at first and are sometimes blamed on an infection or a seasonal allergy.

In this blog, the expert doctors practicing at Magna Centre have shared insights about thyroid cancer, its symptoms, and effective treatment options. The endocrinologists at the centre are also known for performing the best thyroid cancer treatment in Hyderabad. Read on to discover more.

What is Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid cancer is a disease associated with the thyroid gland. It occurs in cases of abnormal invasive growth of the thyroid cells. Due to the slow growth of thyroid cancer, it can be said that its symptoms are limited to the lymph nodes around the thyroid gland. Almost all types of thyroid cancer are treatable, and patients can live a healthy and normal life again.

What are the Early Signs of Thyroid Cancer?

Although thyroid cancer may not cause symptoms until it is advanced, it is vital to understand the early signs listed below that may develop:

  1. A Swollen Lump in the Neck: The most common symptom of thyroid cancer is a lump or swelling in the neck region. Patients who observe a new, growing lump should consult a doctor who can advise additional tests to identify the root cause and determine if it is a tumor.
  2. Fatigue: Fatigue is a common and early sign of thyroid cancer. Since fatigue can be caused by other conditions as well, it may be overlooked.
  3. Swollen Glands in the Neck: Lymph nodes in the neck can expand if the thyroid cancer spreads to the adjacent lymph nodes.
  4. Persistent Cough: Thyroid cancer can cause nodules to grow on the thyroid gland. It can cause irritation in the throat and a cough.
  5. Neck Pain: Neck pain begins in the front of the neck. In some situations, the pain could also extend to the ears.
  6. Voice Changes: A difference in voice could also indicate thyroid cancer.
  7. Breathing Problems: Sometimes patients with thyroid cancer face breathing difficulties.
  8. Trouble in Swallowing: A growth on the thyroid gland could interfere with swallowing.

Experiencing the symptoms mentioned above? Get a thorough evaluation done by an endocrinologist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre. They will identify the root cause of the condition and suggest the best and most effective treatment option. 

 Recurrent Thyroid Cancer Symptoms

It is likely for the thyroid cancer to return after being treated, so one must look for any indications of recurrence. The signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer include the following:

  • Lump in the neck, which grows rapidly
  • Neck pain, which also extends to the ears
  • Trouble in swallowing or breathing
  • Changes in voice
  • Continuous cough

It is advised to schedule regular screenings and follow-up sessions since early signs of thyroid cancer recurrence may not be noticeable. The patient might undergo a physical examination, blood tests, or imaging exams like radioiodine scans or ultrasounds at the follow-up consultations. These examinations are intended to check for cancer recurrence and other health issues.

How is Thyroid Cancer Treated?

Thyroid cancer treatment at Magna Centre involves thyroidectomy, i.e., the removal of thyroid glands. If the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes, then lymph node dissection is performed. After complete tumor removal, all tumor patients are advised to undergo an iodine scan, which helps detect if the tumor has spread to other sites on the body. If the tumor shows radioiodine affinity, microscopic tumor can be treated by radioiodine ablation therapy. This is a radiation treatment for thyroid cancer. Other types of chemotherapy are also available for high grade tumors and can be given based on the cancer type. If the thyroid gland is removed, the level of thyroxine in the body drops. This causes a slow metabolism and, if not treated, can lead to hypothyroidism. Patients who undergo thyroidectomy are given thyroxine hormone to replace normal gland function. For more information about thyroid cancer treatment in Hyderabad, schedule an appointment with the experts at Magna Centre.



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