5 Facts to Know about Male Infertility

 The topic of women's infertility has received significant attention, and now it's time to shift our focus to infertility in males. Both male and female partners play an equally important role in achieving successful conception. In light of this, a study published by the National Library of Medicine estimates that male infertility ranges from 2.5% to 12%. Therefore, it is essential to explore and understand male infertility as well.

In this article, we will explore five essential facts about male infertility, shedding light on this often-overlooked aspect of reproductive health.

We gathered insights from a prominent Male infertility Doctor in Hyderabad Magna Centre. Therefore, we recommend carefully reviewing this guide.

What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility is a medical condition in which a male experiences difficulties in achieving pregnancy with a female partner. This may occur due to the issues related to his reproductive system. This medical condition is specifically characterised by the inability of the male’s body to produce adequate quality of sperm or to effectively deliver (motility) them into the female reproductive tract. Some common cause of male infertility are as follows:

  • Stress
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • Varicocele Vein
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Infection
  • Genital injury
  • Illness.

The factors mentioned above affect the quality of sperms or their motility to traverse and fertilise the ovum in the female reproductive system. 

Read on to learn more about facts regarding male infertility

1. Biological Clock for Men:

While it is well-known that women have a biological clock and experience a decline in fertility with age, it's essential to recognize that men also have a biological clock. Although men can continue to produce sperm throughout their lives, the quality and quantity of sperm may decline with age.

As a result, advanced paternal age has been associated with an increased risk of genetic abnormalities in offspring, as well as a potential decrease in fertility. It's a reminder that age can influence male reproductive health and should be considered when planning to start a family.

2. Wearing Loose Fit Clothes help to make a Baby

It is a common belief that wearing loose-fitting underwear or clothing may be beneficial for male fertility. Tight-fitting underwear, such as briefs, can sometimes lead to elevated scrotal temperatures, which may negatively affect sperm production and quality.

While this is a practical suggestion, it's important to note that individual factors and overall lifestyle choices play more substantial roles in male fertility. Wearing loose-fitting clothes alone may not be a solution for infertility but can contribute to overall reproductive health.

3. Inability to Smell and Male Infertility

There is limited scientific evidence linking anosmia (the inability to smell) to male infertility. Some studies have suggested a potential association between olfactory dysfunction and issues with sperm quality.

While anosmia may be an indicator of underlying health concerns, it is not a definitive sign of male infertility. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive evaluation if infertility is a concern.

4. Sleep Time and Male Fertility

For overall health, including reproductive health, sleep is essential. Poor sleep, insufficient sleep, or sleep disorders can disrupt the hormonal balance and possibly lower sperm quality and fertility.

For maintaining general health and wellbeing, including reproductive health, a sufficient amount of high-quality sleep is crucial. A normal sleep schedule and the treatment of sleep problems can improve fertility.

5. Hot Shower and Mobile Phones

Excessive exposure to heat, such as hot showers or the use of heated car seats, and prolonged exposure to the heat generated by mobile phones in the pocket may temporarily elevate scrotal temperatures. This temporary elevation in scrotal temperature can affect sperm production.

While occasional exposure to heat, such as a hot shower, is unlikely to have a significant impact on male fertility, prolonged and frequent exposure to high temperatures, as well as carrying a mobile phone in the pocket for extended periods, may potentially affect sperm quality. However, more research is needed to establish the extent of this impact.

Is Male Infertility Permanent? 

Fortunately, in today’s era not only female but male infertility is also reversible. And to correct correct improve male fertility some of the popular home remedies  are as given below:

  • Lifestyle changes
  • Refrain smoking cessation and alcohol consumption
  • Adopting a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients, such as antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, can support sperm health.
  • Regular exercise to manage weight and reduce stress
  • Intake of foods rich in vitamins (e.g., vitamin C, vitamin E) and minerals (e.g., zinc, selenium).

In addition to above mentioned lifestyle changing hacks male infertility specialist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre provide below mentioned treatments to manage mail infertility as well.

  1. Endocrine Treatment:  In this initial infertility treatment, oral medications are used to balance-out the hormonal imbalances. 
  1. Gonadotropin Therapy: It involves the administration of hormones known as gonadotropins, such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), to stimulate sperm production in the testes. This treatment may be recommended for men with low sperm counts.
  1. Hypothyroidism Treatment: Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid gland, can negatively impact fertility. Treating hypothyroidism typically involves thyroid hormone replacement therapy to restore normal thyroid function.

Is Erectile Dysfunction (ED) a cause of Male Infertility?

Sometimes, erectile dysfunction is also considered  as a cause of male infertility. But, the fact is both the conditions are dissimilar, erectile dysfunction, usually called as male sexual dysfunction,  is a condition in which male partner is unable to ejaculate or pre-ejecualte. This may be caused by stress, hormonal imbalance or anxiety. 

While planning to conceive this male sexual dysfunction may cause failure attempts of conception. Fortunately, erectile dysfunctioning also reversible through Male Sexual Dysfunction Treatment In Hyderabad

In this treatment diagnosis of the cause of erectile dysfunction (illness, psychogenic, neurogenic, drug induced etc) and treatment is prescribed by the experts. 


Male infertility is a common reproductive issue that many couples experience worldwide. It is frequently curable. For those navigating the difficulties of infertility, it is essential to comprehend its prevalence, causes, diagnostic tests, treatment options, and the potential emotional effects it might have. 
One can consult the infertility specialist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre. It is a group of leading endocrinology healthcare providers. In order to achieve your goal of motherhood, it is imperative that you or your spouse obtain medical guidance and emotional assistance if you or they are experiencing infertility. Never forget that there are resources and infertility specialists at Magna Centre ready to assist you at every stage of this journey.


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