The Link Between Acne and Testosterone

 As a man, testosterone plays an important role in keeping one healthy and fit. The main function of the hormone is to regulate sexual drive, maintain muscle mass and strength, stimulate sperm production, and help keep bones strong and healthy. However, unfortunately, for many individuals, testosterone plays a vital role in the development of acne, which affects the face as well as the body.

In this article, we have taken insights from the expert endocrinologists at Magna Centre, who are known for performing the best hormonal acne treatment in Hyderabad. This post details how testosterone can affect one’s skin and lead to acne breakouts. We will also discuss what one can do to control acne if they are prone to any type of pimple. Keep reading for more insights.

What is the Link Between Testosterone and Acne?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the testicles in males and the ovaries in females. It is also responsible for the development of male characteristics such as facial hair, a deep voice, etc. However, the presence of too many hormones can lead to an increase in testosterone. This makes the skin much oilier than usual and causes inflammation and irritation. Besides the link between testosterone and acne, there are also other factors that contribute to the development of acne. These include lack of sleep or stress levels in teenagers or hormonal changes.

How Does Testosterone Tend to Affect Acne?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the testes and plays a vital role in the development of male reproductive tissues, muscle mass, and hair growth. It is also a major factor in sperm production. Testosterone also affects acne by influencing how the cells grow and divide. If there is excessive testosterone in the body, the skin cells will grow faster, leading to hyperpigmentation.

If one is suffering excessive acne on their face due to an increased production of testosterone, they must seek the help of an endocrinologist right away. 

They can schedule a consultation with an acne doctor in Hyderabad at Magna Centre to get rid of stubborn acne on their face.

How Does Testosterone Trigger Acne?

Testosterone is a hormone that plays an important role in acne since it causes the sebaceous glands to produce more oil than normal. This can also lead to clogged pores, which leads to inflammation and infection of these pores by bacteria.

What Makes the Testosterone Levels Rise or Drop?

There are many reasons for this. It's important that one knows what causes it so that they can prevent or treat it properly. The most important cause of a drop in testosterone level is physical stress, such as overtraining. The other factors include alcohol consumption, smoking, drug use, etc. A hormonal imbalance leads to a low level of male hormones in men who have been experiencing hypogonadism.

What is the Relationship Between Acne and Genetics?

Acne is a common skin condition that affects the face, back, etc. and can cause irritation and redness of the skin. It occurs when the pores in the skin become clogged with dead skin cells or dirt. If this happens, the whiteheads under the surface of the skin might become inflamed if left untreated over time. The severity of acne varies from person to person depending on genetics, lifestyle factors, and hormones. The lifestyle factors include diet, stress level, and sleep patterns.

How Effective is Hormonal Therapy for Acne?

Both oral contraceptive pills (OCP) and spironolactone are considered to be effective for treating acne. Many trials have proven that 80% of the patients with acne have seen immense improvement with this method of treatment. Usually, the improvements are seen very quickly after the initiation of anti-androgenic therapy within a fortnight. This is the most effective treatment option for those who require quick improvement in their acne condition.

Also, non-hormonal therapy for acne is isotretinoin, which is given up to a certain cumulative dose. Many individuals continue to experience acne after taking the full cumulative dose of isotretinoin. For those patients, androgenic treatment becomes necessary. The endocrinologists monitor the patients on acne therapy and examine if the therapy is progressing as expected.

How Can One Keep a Control on Their Acne?

Following are some effective tips to prevent acne from appearing:

1. Wash the Face Twice a Day: Dirt, pollution, and excessive oil can cause the pores to clog and lead to acne. Therefore, one must wash the face twice a day to keep the skin clean and dirt-free.

2. Exfoliate the Skin: Oily skin tends to benefit the most from exfoliation, which removes dead cells from the topmost layer of the skin. Therefore, one must exfoliate their skin regularly.

3. Anti-Pollution: Air pollution exposes the skin to free radicals and breaks the natural oils, leaving one susceptible to acne. Therefore, one must use effective skin care products that help keep their skin clear and protect them from air and ozone pollution.

4. Changes in Lifestyle: Drinking plenty of water and exercising helps to flush out the toxins from the body by opening the clogged pores. One must avoid eating spicy food as it increases the skin’s pH level by triggering acne growth.

5. Smoking and Alcohol: One must avoid smoking and consuming alcohol to prevent their skin from developing stubborn acne.

Final Takeaway

We hope one has now understood how testosterone and acne are interrelated. Testosterone increases the amount of sebum produced in the skin. This also increases the risk of developing blocked hair follicles. If one is prone to acne and considers hormonal factors to be the major cause, it is best to seek the help of an endocrinologist.

One can schedule a consultation with the best endocrinologist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre, who offers the most effective acne treatment. Based on how severe the acne is, they recommend medications, advanced treatments, and lifestyle changes to keep acne at bay.

To get rid of your stubborn acne and prevent the occurrence of ugly looking acne marks, visit Magna Centre today!

Read more Blogs: Acne Treatment - Finding a Treatment That Works Best for You


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