What Male Can Do For Correcting Their Infertility Issues?

Becoming parents is a proud movement for every couple. But, many of them encounter infertility issues. However, there are more chances with a female partner to be the cause of infertility. But, in various cases male partners have been diagnosed with infertility issues. Moreover, in today’s stress-full fast moving life male infertility is increasing day by day.

Male infertility Specialist in Hyderabad, Male infertility Treatment in Hyderabad, Male infertility Doctor in Hyderabad

Thankfully, male infertility is treatable and with the help of transformation in the lifestyle, and medical assistance one can get rid of this situation. In respect of this, Magna Centre is one of the medical facilities that offers treatments performed by the best male infertility specialist in Hyderabad. Based on the insights taken from the experts this article is going to provide a guide on male infertility management.

Male Infertility

Male infertility is an inability of a male partner to release the quality sperm and fertilise the egg residing in the fallopian tube of the female partner. In respect of infertility, sperm quality includes:

  • Number of good quality sperms in the semen
  • Mortality of the sperm
  • Morphology of the semen
  • Time of liquefaction
  • Testical’s heath  

Along with above, some more causes of male infertility are as follows:

  • Azoospermia: an inability to produce sperm cells.
  • Oligospermia: Low or poor quality sperm.
  • Genetically transmitted diseases
  • High volume of sperms that cannot live long and fertilise the egg.
  • Medical conditions like diabetes, autoimmune disorders, cystic fibrosis.
  • Medications 
  • Supplements.
  • Varicoceles: an expansion of the veins within the scrotum (the loose bag of skin that contains the testicles). 
  • Chemotherapy 
  • Unhealthy lifestyle 
  • Injury to testicals.
  • Hormonal disorders

How Does One Reverse Male Infertility?

One with the help of change in lifestyle can reverse the issue of infertility. This lifestyle change includes:

  • Say no to smoking
  • Stop consuming alcohol
  • Avoid gaining weight
  • Wear loose underpants
  • Keep the genital clean and cool
  • Avoid exposing too much to toxic and heating climate
  • Take food rich in high fibre, iron, zinc, magnesium, Omega-3 and vitamins
  • Keep the body hydrated.  

There is a possibility that after considering the above-mentioned healthy lifestyle, male partner is still unable to become a father. In such circumstances, medical consultation is advised. This consultation starts with a diagnosis of the candidate’s genital and overall health. Regarding this, below-mentioned test may prescribed to the candidate:

  • Blood test
  • Semen analysis
  • Scrotal ultrasound to diagnose the varicocele or other problems in the testicles and supporting structures.
  • Transrectal ultrasound to examine the health of the prostate and blockages of the semen carrying tubes.
  • Tests of hormones produced by the pituitary gland, especially testosterone.
  • Post-ejaculation urinalysis
  • Testicular biopsy

Male Infertility Treatments

Male infertility treatments and management of various issues are many. Some of them are are as follows: 

  1. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection: 

Artificial reproduction now allows sperm injection into eggs. ICSI has revolutionised therapy for even the most severe male factor infertility. With this method, 90% of infertile men can have a genetic kid.

  1. In-Vitro Fertilisation: 

Some couples with male infertility choose in vitro fertilisation (IVF). IVF stimulates the ovaries using injectable fertility drugs to produce numerous eggs. The matured eggs are gathered in a minor process. Thereafter, a culture dish or intracytoplasmic sperm injection, sperm is introduced to mature eggs to fertilise them. After fertilisation, embryo development is monitored for three to five days, and two to three embryos are put into the uterus via a tiny catheter in the cervix.

  1. Dry Ejaculation

Anejaculation occurs when a man's sexual climax releases no semen. It is uncommon, but possible and the causes include:

  • Spinal cord damage
  • A previous surgery
  • Diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Abnormalities at birth
  • Other mental, emotional, or unknown issues

Drugs are usually initially attempted for this problem. There are various options if they fail. Penile vibratory stimulation (PVS) or rectal probe electroejaculation (RPE) can cause ejaculation.  

Anaesthesia is usually used for rectal probe electroejaculation. This applies except to men with spinal cord injuries. Over 90% of males who undergo RPE retrieve sperm. This procedure collects many sperm. Sperm mobility and shape may affect fertility.

Penile vibratory stimulation helps achieve a natural climax by vibrating the penis tip and shaft. Although non-invasive, it doesn't work as well as RPE. Particularly in extreme situations.

IVF and ICSI are useful for men with anejaculation because their sperm may be weak due to impaired sperm (cells) and semen (fluid) transport out of the body.

  1. Genital Infection

Genital tract infection seldom causes infertility. About 2 out of 100 males with fertility issues have it. The condition is usually detected by a semen test. The test detects white blood cells. White blood cells produce too many "reactive oxygen species". Sperm may be damaged, reducing their ability to fertilise an egg. A severe epididymis and testes infection may shrink testicles and clog the epididymal duct. Infection need not be sudden to produce issues.

Full-blown illnesses generally require antibiotics. They don't treat minor inflammations. Sometimes antibiotics damage sperm production or function. Ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories are routinely used.

Non-infectious inflammation can also impair fertility. Chronic prostatitis can occasionally restrict ejaculatory ducts.

  1. Hyperprolactinemia

Prolactin overproduction by the pituitary gland causes hyperprolactinemia. Erectile dysfunction and infertility are linked. Treatment depends on the cause of the increase's cause. Drugs or surgery can treat pituitary tumours.

  1. Genetic Issues

Some males are born with a genetic disorder that is novel or hereditary, appearing first in them.  In men with no sperm in the ejaculate (azoospermia), genetic abnormalities that affect sperm production are most often found. Genetic disorders can also impact the development of the male tract that carries sperm, preventing sperm tubes from forming.

  1. Retro-ejaculation

Many factors trigger retrograde ejaculation, semen pouring backwards from the penis. It can be caused by:

  • Bladder or prostate surgery
  • Diabetes
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Antidepressants
  • Some antihypertensives
  • Surgical male infertility treatment
  • Varicoceles treatment

Varicocelectomy is a small outpatient male infertility treatment in Hyderabad done by the expert male infertility specialists and the rest of the country for varicoceles. Fixing bulging veins improves sperm mobility, numbers, and shape. 

  1. Azoospermia Treatments

Blockages in semen can induce azoospermia, which has various surgical options. Since several million sperm must be created in the testicles before they can make it into the semen, men with low sperm production and no sperm in the ejaculate can be treated with surgery and assisted reproduction.

  1. Vasovasostomy Microsurgical

Vasovasostomy reverses vasectomy. Microsurgery joins each testicle's two severed vas deferens sections.

  1. Vasoepididymostomy

Vasoepididymostomy couples the vas deferens' upper end to the epididymis. The most popular microsurgical epididymal block treatment. 

  1. TUD (Transurethral Ejaculatory Duct Resection)

Ejaculatory duct obstruction is surgically treatable. A minor ejaculatory duct incision is performed when a cystoscope is introduced into the urethra. About 65 males out of 100 get sperm into their semen. Problems can arise. Blockages may return. Other rare issues include incontinence and retrograde ejaculation from bladder injury. 

  1. Treatment for Unknown Male Infertility Causes

Male infertility causes can be difficult to identify. This is "idiopathic" male infertility. Your doctor may utilise experience to determine what works. This is "empiric therapy." Because hormones commonly cause infertility, empiric therapy may balance hormones. It's hard to predict empiric treatment success. Each case varies.


Hope this article has covered all the useful information regarding male infertility treatments and DIYS. To know  more consultation with a medical expert is advised. To do so one can visit Magna Centre and schedule and appointment the best male infertility doctor in Hyderabad here. The expert specialists at the centre perform a detailed evaluation to determine the right cause of infertility. This is helpful in providing an effective and customised treatment.

To learn more Read This Blogs:  Worried about a men’s health issue?


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