Causes and Symptoms of Male Infertility

 Men often struggle with infertility. There are numerous challenges and complications in the difficult process of conception. Thankfully, having infertility problems does not always imply that you and your partner will not be able to conceive. Some procedures and treatments can improve the likelihood of becoming pregnant.

Male infertility Doctor in Hyderabad

In this blog, we will delve into the causes and symptoms of male infertility. To make this post knowledgeable, we have gathered insights from the experts at Magna Centre, renowned for providing the best male infertility treatment in Hyderabad. Let’s start with understanding what male infertility is.

What is Male Infertility?

An issue with your reproductive system that prevents you from becoming pregnant with a woman is known as male infertility. A male and a female may have infertility problems if they engage in unprotected intercourse repeatedly for more than a year and the female is unable to conceive.

‍Factors Affecting Male Infertility

‍There are several potential causes of male infertility. The following highlights a few of these:

  1. Medical Disorders

The male reproductive system may be impacted by medical conditions and treatments. Male infertility may result from a variety of medical conditions, including varicocele, inflammation of the epididymis or testicles, STDs, tumours, autoimmune diseases, blockages in the testicles, hormonal imbalances, and chromosomal abnormalities in the male partner.

  1. External Factors

Sperm can be negatively impacted by a variety of environmental factors, including chemicals, heavy metals, radiation, pollutants, and toxins.

  1. Lifestyle Factors

Sperm function can be severely impacted by stress, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and obesity.

Causes of Male Infertility

Male fertility may be impacted by a variety of biological and environmental factors. Among the possibilities are:

  1. Azoospermia: The inability to generate sperm cells may be the cause of male infertility.
  2. Oligospermia: The production of sperm that is of low quality.
  3. Genetic Disorders: Diseases such as microdeletion, myotonic dystrophy, Klinefelter's syndrome, and other conditions.
  4. Sperm Malformations: Sperm that are too short in life to fertilize the egg.
  1. Several Health Issues: Examples include infections, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and certain autoimmune diseases.
  1. Variococles: This pathology is characterized by larger-than-normal veins on the testicles, which lead to overheating and alter sperm shape and quantity.
  1. Cancer Treatments: Cancer treatments include radiation, chemotherapy, and/or testicular excision surgery (one or both).
  1. Unhealthy Habits: Addiction to drugs, alcohol, and smoking are examples of unhealthy behaviours.
  1. Hormonal Disorders: Infertility may be impacted by conditions affecting the pituitary or hypothalamus.

Symptoms of Male Infertility

Male infertility has no warning signs, and it is typically impossible to diagnose based solely on external symptoms. Men do not always have symptoms of an underlying disease that could lead to infertility. However, a small percentage of men do. These consist of:

  • Having trouble ejaculating
  • Decreased sexual desire
  • Disabilities of the erection
  • Swelling surrounding the testicles
  • Issues with breathing
  • Breast enlargement
  • Reduction in body or facial hair

Couples or individuals going through any of these challenges might want to see a doctor who specializes in treating infertility concerns to get professional assistance. These professionals are male infertility specialists and can support them during their treatment and assist them in approaching the situation realistically.

Is it possible to Prevent Male Infertility? 

One may be able to lower their risk if certain lifestyle choices, like smoking and working near certain chemicals, are contributing factors to their infertility. Consult a male infertility specialist about additional risk factors and management options. Speak with the healthcare professional about sperm banking if one is planning to undergo cancer therapy.


If one is looking for a male infertility specialist, one can visit Magna Centre to consult a top male infertility doctor in Hyderabad. This centre offers gonadotropin therapy with HCG to men with pituitary disease and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism to help them become fertile again. Hyperprolactinemia can be easily treated with cabergoline. One of the main factors contributing to infertility is hypothyroidism. It is recommended that men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism seek treatment before any increase in sperm count. Since the spermatogenesis cycle itself lasts for approximately 90 days and requires three to four cycles to produce a significant amount of sperm if spermatogenesis is not occurring, an extended course of treatment is required.
Visit the Magna Center right now to consult with the expert male infertility specialist or endocrinologist in Hyderabad to learn more information about the treatment options for male infertility.

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