Diabetic Ketoacidosis - Symptoms & Causes

Diabetes is a disease caused by irregular release of insulin from the pancreas. The release of insulin leads to Hyperinsulinemia diabetes and less release of insulin leads to Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). Among both types of diabetes, DKA is an issue which requires immediate and regular help from a diabetologist.

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To learn more about DKA in detail we visited the Manga Centre. It is a  healthcare centre for the treatment of various endocrinology disorders. It is also renowned as the best diabetes centre in Hyderabad. By taking insights from the top diabetes doctors at Magna Centre, this blog is going to delve into the Diabetic Ketoacidosis, its signs & symptoms, causes and treatments. So consider reading this post carefully.

An Overview of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)

DKA is a type of diabetes that is more common in diabetes type 1 patients. However, it can also be found in type 2 diabetes patients. It is where the insulin level in the blood gets down. DKA is a serious concern which may lead to the trauma and death of the patient if remain ignored.

Sign & Symptoms of DKA

Some common sign and symptoms of DKA are as follows:

  • An urge to take water frequently
  • Frequent urge to go to the washroom for urination
  • Heavily and deep breathing
  • Dryness of the skin and mouth
  • Headache
  • Smell from the mouth
  • Stiffness of the muscles 
  • Remain fatigued all the time
  • Nausea
  • Feeling to vomit
  • Stomach ache

Cause of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA)

The medical condition of DKA is caused by various reasons. Some of them are as follows:

  • Sickness

During the sickness no matter what type of illness is, the diet of the candidate gets disturbed. Avoiding food and liquid during illness impacts on the insulin level in the blood and in the long run it leads to a chance of Diabetic Ketoacidosis. 

  • Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol, drugs and smoking are harmful for the heart, lungs, liver, and entire body. The excessive consumption of alcohol impacts on the performance of pancreas to manage the insulin level in the blood.

  • Heart Problem    

Humans manage to work because of the supply of blood in the body. One having heart problems like artery blockage and history of heart attack is vulnerable to getting easily attacked by the Diabetic Ketoacidosis

  • Accident

An accident can also lead to the DKA. A road accident caused by car, bike or any other reason leads to physical injury. The damage is widespread to the functionalities of internal body organs. It leads to disturbed lifestyle, stress, and diet which may contribute to the development Diabetic Ketoacidosis.

  • Medications

Additionally, there are certain medications like diuretics (water pills) that cause side-effects on the body. These side-effects impact on the functioning of the kidney, liver and pancreas. As a result of this, diabetes occurs.

  • Stress & Anxiety

Everyone has stress but when this stress goes beyond its limit and affects the daily routine and lifestyle of the person, release of cortisol and adrenaline hormones starts. These hormones make the body anxious, fluctuate the blood flow and insulin level in the blood. Meanwhile poor diet contributes to the low-level of insulin in the blood. As a result Diabetic Ketoacidosis may occur.

Diagnosis of Test

DKA is a serious medical condition which requires complete attention. Therefore, whenever an individual is diagnosed with blood sugar, it is necessary to take medical help from a diabetologist. Usually, diabetes experts prescribe blood tests to examine the exact blood sugar level before and two hours after having a proper meal.   

Additionally there is a ketone test kit also available in the market. One diagnosed with sugar level at 240 mg/dL or above can use this kit to diagnose the level of ketone in the urine. 

Treatment for DKA

Diabetic Ketoacidosis treatments are as follows:

  1. Replacement Therapy

In this method, the doctor evaluates the loss of fluid from the body through urine tests and replaces it. Additionally, medicine and therapy is provided to dilute excess deposit of the  sugar in the blood.

  1. Electrolytes

Electrolytes is rich in multivitamins and multiminerals. It speedily addresses the fluid deficiency and fills it. It is also helpful in regulating the functionality of nerves, muscles, heart and brain. A small amount of electrolyte can manage insulin level. 

  1. Insulin Injection 

Insufficient amount of insulin in the blood causes DKA. It can be managed and to do so diabetologists prescribe insulin injections. These injections are usually prescribed to diabetic people with very low-level or no amount of insulin. So, before taking these injections at home, consultation with a medical expert is mandatory.  

  1. Medication

Oral medication can also help to manage the Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Doctor’s prescribed insulin tablets to regulate the functionality of pancreas to release the adequate amount of insulin in the blood and thus the impact of DKA on the body can be reduced.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis-Preventive Measures 

To avoid fainting out, vomiting and improving the quality of life, the best diabetes doctor in Hyderabad at Magna Centre recommended a stress-free healthy lifestyle. Regarding this some tips to manage the blood sugar level and DKA are as follows:

  • Keep the track of blood sugar level weekly and monthly. The monitoring of blood sugar level on a daily basis becomes unavoidable when the diabetic person is ill.
  • Monitor the diet chart and avoid insulin decreasing food items from the diet. 
  • Take the food that makes the blood sugar level balanced.
  • Take diabetes medicines as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Consult with the doctor regarding managing the insulin level through diet.
  • Keep the body active and do walk and exercise daily.
  • Avoid taking stress.
  • Avoid getting involved in heavier physical activities.    


DKA i.e. Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a diabetes in which insulin levels get down in the blood sugar. This may cause trauma and death in the long run. Therefore, DKA needs immediate attention and treatment. And with the help of the right diabetes doctor one can manage DKA and enjoy a happy life.
To find the
best diabetes doctor for DKA, one can visit Magna Centre. It is a healthcare centre occupied with the best Endocrinologist in Hyderabad. Medical professionals at this centre provide effective treatments for diabetes, Male infertility and thyroid, PCOS. and more. To avail of the treatment benefits, consult the experts at Magna Centre now!

More Details Read these Blogs:

A Detailed Guide on Type-1 Diabetes
Diabetes Treatment - Which Treatments are Effective
5 Steps for Effective Management of Diabetes
“Catch early-treat early” by Dr.Yousuf Khan


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