Six Foods to Support Thyroid Health Naturally

 The thyroid, a small gland, is essential in regulating metabolism and overall well-being. To support proper thyroid functioning, a nutrient-rich diet must be incorporated into daily routine. The expert thyroid doctor in Hyderabad at Magna Centre explains six foods that significantly support thyroid health naturally. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, these foods contribute to maintaining proper thyroid function and overall well-being.

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Let us first understand what the thyroid is.

What is Thyroid?

The thyroid gland is at the base of the neck and looks like a butterfly. The thyroid hormones are vital for metabolism and growth. Thyroid hormone receptors exist on every cell in the body. This means that when the thyroid does not work properly, it affects many body systems, from the digestive system to the neurological system and the musculoskeletal system to the reproductive system.

Some of the common thyroid disorders include hypothyroidism (low thyroid function), Grave's disease (an autoimmune condition where the thyroid is overactive), Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune thyroid condition) or thyroid nodules (growths on the thyroid gland) or goiter (an enlarged thyroid).

Which Food Supports Thyroid Health?

Ensuring a well-balanced diet is crucial for promoting optimal thyroid function. The thyroid gland depends on various nutrients for effective functioning, and a lack of these nutrients might result in difficulties. Following are some foods that support thyroid health:

1. Brazil Nuts

The thyroid gland has the highest selenium content among all organs. Selenium plays a vital role in converting T4, an inactive thyroid hormone, into T3, an active thyroid hormone. Additionally, selenium helps reduce the levels of Reverse T3, which can obstruct T3 hormone receptor sites. The anti-thyroid antibody levels also decrease simultaneously. Consuming just 1 - 3 Brazil nuts daily is sufficient to fulfil the selenium requirements of most individuals.

2. Dark Leafy Vegetables

Dark is high in detoxification-supportive fibre. It helps reduce the amount of harmful toxins circulating in the blood by carrying them out of the body through waste. These toxins can trigger autoimmune flares and can damage thyroid tissues. Therefore, one must ensure proper fibre intake to support the body’s natural detoxification, which ultimately supports thyroid health. According to the best endocrinologist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre, leafy greens are also a great source of magnesium and aid in converting inactive T4 to the active thyroid hormone T3.

3. Berries

Berries are high in vitamins. Studies show those with thyroid problems have higher amounts of free radicals. The antioxidants found in berries protect and neutralise free radicals. Berries’ are another food that is high in fibre content. Moreover, it also aids in detoxification.

4. Turmeric

This spice has anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe an active autoimmune response, which is often the root cause of damage to the thyroid gland. It has an active component, i.e., curcumin, which is responsible for this action. Curcumin also has the benefit of providing pain relief. Many thyroid disease patients suffer from thyroid discomfort, body pain, headaches, and other symptoms as a result of their condition. Curcumin may be used as a pain-management option, where it also works by correcting the underlying imbalances that cause thyroid conditions.

5. Oily Fish

Oily fish is high in all types of omega-3s, such as EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid). Every single cell membrane in the body can utilise both fats to enhance cell signalling. Since most diseases, including thyroid conditions, are caused by systemic inflammation, lowering systemic inflammation can help support thyroid function.

6. Avocado

Avocados are a source of vitamins, micronutrients and healthy fats. Avocados are high in fat, most of which are health-promoting monounsaturated fats. When combined with high fibre, it improves blood sugar balance. Blood sugar balance is important for individuals with thyroid dysfunction as the hormone insulin, which signals the cells to take in sugars from the blood, has a proportional relationship with thyroid hormones. This indicates that when the blood sugar goes up, the insulin increases as a result, and the thyroid production goes down.

Consult the Best Thyroid Doctor in Hyderabad at Magna Centre

If one is looking for the best thyroid doctor in Hyderabad to manage one's thyroid, one can consider consulting the expert specialists at Magna Centre. The doctors will evaluate the signs and symptoms to determine the condition's root cause. The renowned thyroid doctors at the centre can provide an effective treatment for thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, goitre, hypothyroidism, and hypothyroidism.

Visit Magna Centre today to schedule a consultation with the expert thyroid specialists.

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