Why am I Gaining Weight - Is This a Sign of Thyroid Imbalance?

 I'm Gaining Weight: Is It My Thyroid? Gaining weight is the most common sign of thyroid imbalance. Weight gain occurs when your body consumes more calories than you burn. It occurs due to multifaceted factors such as increased intake of calories, minimal exercise, medication, sleep patterns, and stress. As per the best thyroid specialist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre, ‘If the weight gain is sudden or unexplained even after a healthy diet and exercise, then it may be a sign of health issues like thyroid problems.’

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Thyroid Imbalance and Weight Gain 

The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ placed at the base of the neck, helps in regulating the body's metabolism through hormone production. The hormones help in maintaining energy levels, body temperature, and metabolic processes. The thyroid balances hormone production to keep the metabolism persistent. The overproduction or minimal production of thyroid hormones affects body weight. It produces two types of hormones, usually thyroxine (T4) or triiodothyronine (T3). When the thyroid gland produces imbalanced hormones, it leads to weight gain

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are two factors that are responsible for thyroid imbalance:

1. Hypothyroidism: It refers to the underactive thyroid. It occurs due to insufficient production of thyroid hormones, causing slow metabolism. It has a greater impact on body weight. The weight increases suddenly due to low-calorie burns during activities. The excess calories are stored as fat, leading to increased weight.

People experience other symptoms like fatigue, constipation, cold intolerance, dry skin, hair loss, and muscle weakness. The reduced metabolic rate causes weight gain even if dietary habits and exercise are persistent. Hypothyroidism can be managed by changing lifestyles and intake of medications on time. Thyroid hormone replacement therapy is one of the significant treatments that improve metabolic rate by balancing hormone levels. Balanced diets such as whole grains, proteins, and vegetables help to maintain body weight

2. Hyperthyroidism: It refers to the overactive thyroid that produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones through the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism usually results in weight loss due to excessive calories burned by the body. But in some cases, it leads to weight gain due to increased metabolism. This increased metabolism causes muscle loss and an increase in appetite. Common symptoms of hyperthyroidism are fast heartbeat, sweating, anxiety, and frequent bowel movements

Thyroid imbalance is diagnosed by blood tests that measure thyroid hormone (T3, T4) levels. Low levels of Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and increased levels of T4 and T3 show hyperthyroidism. Physical exercise and a balanced diet manage weight gain due to muscle loss or increased appetite. Exercising strengthens muscle mass. It can also be treated by medication and iodine therapy reduces thyroid hormone levels. Surgery is the last option where part or complete removal of the thyroid gland takes place.

3. Thyroid Antibodies and Autoimmune Conditions 

The other reason for thyroid imbalance is autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's thyroiditis or Graves' disease. Hashimoto's thyroiditis leads to hypothyroidism as it damages your own thyroid gland, whereas Graves' disease causes hyperthyroidism that produces excessive thyroid hormones. Both autoimmune diseases affect the thyroid gland to produce overactive or underactive thyroid hormone, leading to body weight

a. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: It is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks the thyroid gland. It causes inflammation and low levels of thyroid hormones, resulting in hypothyroidism. Symptoms like tiredness, weight gain, a cold, and feeling constipation are most common. This disease lowers the metabolic rate and increases calories in the body. One of the reasons for weight gain is fat storage and increased muscle mass.

b. Graves' disease: It causes hyperthyroidism, leading to a change in metabolic rate. It increases body weight when it affects the muscle mass or appetite. Physical exercise maintains the body weight and balances your appetite

Reasons for Thyroid Imbalance that Affects Weight 

Thyroid hormones regulate the metabolic rate of the body and balance the thyroid hormones. Here are the reasons for thyroid imbalance resulting in weight gain:

a. Metabolic Rate: Metabolic rate is the rate at which the body burns calories. Burning calories produces energy. The release of hormones from the thyroid gland regulates the metabolic rate. An imbalance in thyroid hormones leads to weight gain. Insufficient release of thyroid hormones causes hypothyroidism that burns, fat calories and deposits more fat in the body, causing weight gain. As per the best endocrinologist in Hyderabad, increased production of thyroid hormones can also lead to hyperthyroidism. It also results in weight gain due to muscle loss or increased appetite. It is necessary to maintain your metabolic rate. 

b. Fat Storage and Muscle mass: Thyroid imbalances lead to fat storage and muscle mass, causing weight gain. Hypothyroidism causes rates, leading to low calorie burn. It increases the amount of fat storage and reduces muscle mass. Hyperthyroidism causes a high metabolism rate that also leads to muscle loss

c. Appetite: Thyroid Imbalances affect the appetite, shares thyroid specialist in Hyderabad. Hyperthyroidism increases food intake resulting in weight gain

Hence, it is important to check your hormones for effective human body function and optimal weight checks. To learn more about thyroid health and ensure the proper functioning of thyroid gland, visit Magna Centre in Hyderabad.

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