5 Reasons Why People Get Thyroid Problems and How to Avoid Them

Thyroid problems are common these days. According to the American Thyroid Association, approximately 20 million Americans suffer from thyroid disorders. The thyroid gland regulates metabolism, which affects every organ in the body. When the thyroid gland is not functioning correctly, it can lead to various health issues, including weight gain, fatigue, hair loss, and depression. In this blog of Magna Centres for Obesity Diabetes and Endocrinology , the most critical five reasons for hyperthyroidism are described. So read the blog carefully and learn about the cause and popular hyperthyroidism treatment in Hyderabad . Nutrient Deficiencies Nutrient deficiencies can have a significant impact on thyroid health. The thyroid gland needs nutrients, such as iodine, selenium, and zinc, to function correctly. Iodine is essential for producing thyroid hormones, while selenium and zinc are necessary for converting thyroid hormones. A deficiency in these nutrients can lead to hypothyroidism,...