The Link Between Acne and Testosterone
As a man, testosterone plays an important role in keeping one healthy and fit. The main function of the hormone is to regulate sexual drive, maintain muscle mass and strength, stimulate sperm production, and help keep bones strong and healthy. However, unfortunately, for many individuals, testosterone plays a vital role in the development of acne, which affects the face as well as the body. In this article, we have taken insights from the expert endocrinologists at Magna Centre, who are known for performing the best hormonal acne treatment in Hyderabad . This post details how testosterone can affect one’s skin and lead to acne breakouts. We will also discuss what one can do to control acne if they are prone to any type of pimple. Keep reading for more insights. What is the Link Between Testosterone and Acne? Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the testicles in males and the ovaries in females. It is also responsible for the development of male characteristic...