Thyroid Cancer: Symptoms, Types, and Treatment Options

The thyroid is a small gland located in the front part of the neck . It is situated just below the voicebox ( larynx ). It is part of the endocrine system . This system makes hormones and helps control bodily functions. According to the best thyroid specialist in Hyderabad at Magna Centre , thyroid cancer can occur at any age and is more common in women . Thyroid cancer usually originates from the thyroid gland . Through this article, we will detail the symptoms , types , and treatment options for thyroid cancer . What are the Symptoms of Thyroid Cancer? Most of the time, thyroid cancer does not show any certain signs or symptoms, but as it grows, the symptoms begin to show up. The common signs of thyroid cancer are listed below: There is swelling in the neck , accompanied by pain in the front that extends up to the ear. There are certain changes in the voice that persist for longer. A lump or nodule is seen in the neck Continuous cough, not becaus...